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  • Increase protein for fat loss

    I am thrilled to be sharing some AWESOME resources with you this week. You need to share this with your family, friends, and everyone you care about. I talk to women time and time again and hear the same story. You are working out and NOT seeing the results. You are tired of carrying extra body fat that shows up around your middle. You are eating "healthy" but struggle to lose the extra weight. I get it. It's frustrating!! This is where we need to stop following the noise. It's time to learn how to push ourselves in the gym, make time for YOU, and shift the contents of your meals. First, watch this!!! Then, watch it again! I have been following Dr. Gabrielle Lyon for so many years now that the things she has been preaching are automatic in my brain. Get ready to have a mindset shift in how you approach your physique & health! You aren't over body-fat, you are under muscled! 💪💪 Take a moment to take that in. My guess is that you are like I was for many years. You weigh yourself and think, UGH I'm fat!!! I need to lose weight. And where has that gotten you? Probably starving yourself, losing weight, and then gaining even MORE fat. That's because you probably slashed your calories, weren't eating enough protein, LOST YOUR METABOLIC CURRENCY, then stopped dieting when you gave in to hunger hormones or thought the diet isn't working. But check this out!!!! I FREAKING LOVE hearing the science to be armed with tools and tactics that let me EAT MORE, look better, and feel better. WIN!! 🥳 The answer: D Evidence for this statement comes from PMID = 29405780 This study was done in Bill Campbell's Physique Lab. YEEEES...EAT MORE, lose body-fat! And of course we are resistance training 3x/week! Right?! You can follow Bill Campbell here. His posts are GREAT! Are you excited and inspired by what you learned in the Ted Talk and Bill Campbell's research? Oh, and if you want to pre-order Dr. Gabrielle Lyon's book on Amazon called Forever Strong, you can get it here! It releases in October and I can't wait! This is the long awaited nutrition resource that EVERYONE needs! Next week I'll share more about the meals I've been eating to meet these protein requirements. My mom even told me today that I'm looking leaner and more 'toned'. WIN! :))))) Feel free to reach out to me any time! I love hearing from you! XO! ❤️ Michelle #protein #fatloss #muscle #nutrition #diet #health #longevity

  • Why you want to add a carrot salad!

    If you are part of my Fit For Life group on Facebook, then you may have caught my lives in there where I have talked about getting my hormones tested and my testosterone was low! No bueno! 🤪 Symptoms can include fatigue, belly fat, low libido, sleep disturbances, hair loss, decreased muscle mass, decreased bone density, mood changes, memory, low blood counts. Being low in any of our hormones will significantly affect our quality of life and our longevity. For now, let's talk about why I am obsessed with the daily carrot salad. Carrots have some evidence that they may reduce the incidence of breast cancer due to a variety of factors. They are rich in beta carotene which has health benefits. There is further anecdotal evidence that carrots can help bind excess estrogen and toxins and eliminate them from the body. If you suffer from symptoms of hormonal imbalance, you can give this salad a try to see if it helps. Dr. Ray Peat is given credit for “inventing” the recipe that can help prevent the reabsorption of estrogen. At the very least, the carrot fiber in this raw carrot salad may help with gut health. Here's how to make the carrot salad! Combine the following: A raw, scrubbed organic carrot. Grate or peel the entire carrot long ways (yes this is a tedious process but there is a reason) 1 tsp apple cider vinegar. You can also use white vinegar or any type of vinegar. I use coconut vinegar too. 1 tsp of coconut oil or olive oil Sea salt (like Redmond's Real Salt) And that's it! I know, it sounds WAY too simple to be good and so good for you but it is surprisingly refreshing and so good before dinner. If you don't care for making the 'salad', you could just eat a raw carrot daily! This salad has helped contribute to my A++ digestion!!! If you've ever suffered from constipation or the opposite, like I have, then you know how amazing that is! 😬 I'm actually writing this on Thursday evening so it's time for me to go make our salads now. YUM! 😋 Let me know if you have any questions! Let me know what you think of the 'salad'. #health #food #diet #nutrition #recipe

  • Sleep Disturbances: The Importance of Restful Sleep & How to Modify Your Workouts for Better Sleep

    Sleep is an essential component of overall health and well-being. It is during sleep that our bodies repair and regenerate, and our brains consolidate memories & process information. For many years, I struggled with sleep. It made my days challenging. I would wake up just dreading the day and wondering how I was going to get through. Mindset was ESSENTIAL. I had to really change my language up. When I stopped creating so much worry around it, I was able to focus on solutions. :) Whether it's difficulty falling asleep, staying asleep, or waking up too early, here are some tips to help you prioritize fitness and wellness when struggling with chronic sleep issues: Establish a consistent sleep routine: Creating a consistent sleep routine can help regulate your body's internal clock and improve sleep quality. Try to go to bed and wake up at the same time each day, even on weekends. This routine can help signal to your body that it's time to wind down and prepare for sleep. Prioritize sleep hygiene: Sleep hygiene refers to the practices and behaviors that can improve your sleep quality. This includes limiting screen time before bed, keeping your bedroom cool and dark, avoiding caffeine and alcohol before bedtime, and establishing a relaxing bedtime routine. By prioritizing good sleep hygiene, you can set yourself up for a better night's sleep. Adjust your workout schedule: Depending on your sleep patterns, you may need to adjust your workout schedule to accommodate your sleep needs. For example, if you struggle with insomnia, working out too close to bedtime may make it harder to fall asleep. Instead, try working out earlier in the day or in the morning. Experiment with different workout times to find what works best for you. Adjust your workout intensity: High-intensity workouts can be energizing and stimulating, which may not be ideal for those with chronic sleep disturbances. When weight training, don't train to failure. Leave 3 reps "in the tank". Also, take longer rest periods in between sets. You CAN build and maintain strength but less is more. Additionally, incorporating low-impact workouts like yoga, walking, or swimming in your routine can be calming and relaxing, which may help promote better sleep. Listen to your body: When dealing with chronic sleep issues, it's essential to listen to your body and prioritize rest when needed. If you're feeling exhausted or fatigued, it may be best to skip a workout or take a rest day. Pushing yourself too hard when your body is already under stress can lead to injury and burnout. Seek medical advice: If you're struggling with chronic sleep disturbances, it's essential to seek medical advice. Your doctor can help identify underlying health conditions or medications that may be impacting your sleep. They may also recommend treatments like cognitive-behavioral therapy for insomnia (CBT-I) or prescription sleep aids to help improve sleep quality. A lot of this may not be new to you but you may have had a hard time implementing changes. I had to learn to be patient with myself. Keeping a sleep journal, writing out your language around it, but then turning it around in to how you are empowering yourself to improve will help you on the journey. If you want help and support to get the right workouts for you with nutrition & lifestyle guidance, please don't hesitate to reach out! #sleep #workouts #health #wellness

  • 2 Key things for losing Belly fat!

    The 2 key things I see with women who are trying to lose fat and get healthier are 1. Not doing enough strength training and 2. Not eating enough protein throughout the day. Here's the thing with protein, if you are only having some at lunch and dinner, you aren't hitting your protein needs. Protein (aka amino acids...there are 20 of them) is the ONLY thing that is NOT stored in the body in a complete form. We store fat and we store carbohydrates but protein is limited in the body. What I hear SO much is around the age of 40 women start complaining about belly fat. :( They didn't do anything differently but all of a sudden a muffin top appeared. It's frustrating! As we age, we lose muscle. And that process speeds up the older we get. Strength training and protein are the 2 things that create a 1, 2, punch to build muscle and BURN FAT (and burn the carbs we eat so they don't get stored as fat!!). I never eat a meal with just carbs. Oatmeal is awesome on a training day to provide good fuel for training. And while it has some protein, it isn't a complete protein. If it didn't have a mother lol, it's not a complete protein. Your body will end up breaking down its' own muscle (catabolism) to get the amino acids it needs. It's like robbing peter to pay paul. Not good!! You don't have to skip your oats but make sure they aren't the sugary kind and get yourself some yummy english toffee stevia and ceylon cinnamon for natural sweeter!! AND, add a simple protein shake. I use either an egg white one (non dairy) or a vegan one that I'll put in my oats and mix all together. I usually do that and add ground flaxseed as well. I like my oats to be thick! Here are links to Amazon to my 2 favorites right now! On non-training days I make a shake! I have a blog post with all the ingredients and I'll link to it below! I don't like to drink a cold shake, especially in the winter time so I'll make it and leave it on the counter for 30 minutes or so. I also like it thick and have to eat it with a skinny OXO spatula! Ha!! The other protein I am LOVING right now is this super yummy dark chocolate collagen. I have it in the afternoon as a 'snack' and it keeps my sweet tooth in check and my appetite. I mix it with unsweetened flax milk that has a little protein in it. Click on the picture to go to directly to Amazon to check it out! Bottom line, start your day with protein and have at least a palm size serving with lunch and dinner. Throw in a serving of collagen in the afternoon and your are set!! The research also shows that including 30 grams of protein at breakfast helps greatly reduce nighttime snacking. It helps to manage blood sugar level. I hope you found this helpful! Please don't hesitate to send me any nutrition, lifestyle, fitness questions you have my way. I love what I do. Would love to hear from you! XO!

  • This tool will change your life!

    This week I'm sharing a tool that dramatically changed my world. BREATHING! I think we all know the importance of breathing. However, most people don't breathe properly. Our stressful lives (and for some, childhood on...that would be ME) have created a state of fight or flight. This stress response is associated with the sympathetic system which is part of our autonomic nervous system. It's automatic! We should be taking about 6 breaths per minutes but most breathe about 12 per minute. This type of breathing is associated with feelings of anxiousness, digestive issues, chronic sleep issues, aches and pains in the neck, shoulders, & back. It's serious!! This is where breathing tools like the app I'm going to share, help improve something called your heart rate variability. I wear the Oura ring (another favorite thing!! Hello Christmas gift ;-) and I get a score every morning with my average and high HRV through the night. Learn more about HRV by watching this TEDx Talk: There are LOTS of apps. Heck, my ring even has awesome meditations to use but I always find myself using an app. I'm picky! lol I like the sound and usefulness of the app to feel a certain way. You get me, right? :) Anyhow, the app I'm enjoying right now is called Resonant Breathing. See the pic above and find it in the app store. And, it's FREE! Woohoo! Get it here! Like the Tedx Talk speaker mentions, start with 5 minutes in week 1, 10 minutes in week 2, and work your way up to 20 minutes/day. My thoughts...some is ALWAYS better than none so don't try to be a perfectionist. The great part, you will feel the benefits immediately. You should feel more calm, patient, relaxed. Who wants that?!! lol That's it for this week. Reply back and let me know if you have a favorite tool you like. I'd love to know! Until then, keep getting those strength workouts in (3x/week), fueling your body with nutrient dense, real food, and journaling everyday to cultivate awareness, appreciation, & eagerness for where you are going. Hope you are well and look forward to hearing from you! XO!

  • Super simple dinner's!

    Hi there! I've been keeping you in mind all week as I was recording my meals with the idea of sharing them with you here! I personally have a solid appetite and love to eat. I don't quite get those people that "forget to eat". Huh?? lolololol The meal above is my 'typical meal'. I've got some videos below but the above is one of my super simple dinner's of turkey burger, roasted brussel sprouts, and japanese sweet potato. If you haven't tried the JSP, you are in for a treat!!! I get mine at Whole Foods. They have them at Trader Joes sometimes but the quality is not as good, at least from what I've had. Note that I have hypothyroid so I am strictly gluten free and dairy free as well. If I had to label my diet, I'd call it 'paleo'. I do incorporate protein powder everyday though because a smoothie is a fantastic way to get a yummy, FAST meal in with tons of nutrition. See my blog for the recipe! Oh, and also note that every meal I put together has the same components: 1) Protein 2) Vegetables 3) Minimally processed starch (potatoes are clearly not processed but I don't know how that quinoa went from where it grows in to that bag. Everything is processed to some extent but I rarely (not never) eat things from a box. 4) Healthy fat Alright, enough chatter, click on the links to my YouTube to see the short vids of some meals. So many more to share. I hope I inspire you if you are needing some help here! :) Super simple dinner #1 Super simple dinner #2 Super simple dinner #3 Did you find these helpful? Let me know what else you'd like to see! XO! #nutrition #health #lifestyle #diet

  • understanding scale weight fluctuations

    There are LOTS of reasons the scale goes up! Rather than let the non serving narrative dictate our mood, we can remember that the scale is only a tool and that pictures and measurements are essential to monitoring progress. So, I figured I'd brainstorm a list and shed some light on what causes the fluctuations so we can break free from the number representing whether we are doing a good or bad job on our goals. being pre-cycle (know your cycle day!) eating more carbs the day before (for every gram of carb you eat you store 3 grams of water) eating more sodium needing to go to the bathroom you worked out the day before (training causes inflammation and that causes water retention) weighing at a different time of day eating dinner later the night before being dehydrated drinking alcohol going from eating low carb to eating carbs I do like weighing in everyday. It keeps me accountable. Some people prefer to use their clothes but just make sure they don't stretch!! Ha! Now that you are armed with this information, you'll be able to quickly counter that voice when it starts to shift your mood. Weight loss is not linear. You want to look at the monthly trend, especially as a women. As far as how much weight is safe to lose per week, it will depend on how much you have to lose. As a general rule, if you have less than 30lb's to lose, about 1lb per week is best to lose sustainably and safely. You want to hold on to precious muscle!! That may seem slow but after 4 weeks, that's 4lb's!!! And imagine 2 months later being down 8lb's. If you have more, then you can safely lose more in the beginning and then 1-1.5lb's per week. What are your current goals? What's your favorite way of measuring progress? #weightloss #health #lifestyle #diet #hormones #mindset

  • My awesome breakfast smoothie!

    I'm kind of obsessed with my breakfast smoothie. I'm also obsessed with creating the healthiest body I can while loving my diet. I feel like I've mastered eating super nutrient dense meals that are fast, simple, AND tasty!! My husband tells me so too :))) Side note...I have hypothyroid and eat gluten and dairy free!! There are a bazillion ways to make a smoothie but let's not forget the MOST important macro nutrient we must get in our meals, especially breakfast, protein. It's the one nutrient that tends to be eaten in a very low amount at breakfast, which according to the research that Dr. Gabrielle Lyon shares on her YouTube channel, is the most critical. You see, in order for your body to be the healthiest & fittest it can be, we need to hold on to our muscle. Carbohydrates don't make muscle. In fact, they fill our muscles up with lots of water and when you use your muscles to lift things to the point of fatigue, you slightly empty them. Fat doesn't make muscle either. Fat is essential but we often eat the wrong kind and not enough of the good kind. More on that in another post! Protein breaks down in to amino acids and it's the compound we need that are the building blocks for muscle. But protein is also used for the neurotransmitters in our brain, to build bones, for healthy hair, skin, nails, enzymes, and much much more! In fact it's the one macro nutrient (carbs & fat being the others) that does NOT like to get stored as fat. It has too many jobs in the body! Have I convinced you to eat more protein yet?? The recommendation for a daily amount is .8g-1g per pound of body weight. So if you weight 140 pounds, the minimum amount is 112 grams per day. That's actually pretty easy. Especially if you adopt my awesome smoothie :) It's packed with 34 grams from the protein powder and a little more is added if you use the flax milk I like. This smoothie is jam packed with not only protein but fiber for gut health (and aids in healthy cholesterol and fat loss!), essential fats from fish oil for reducing inflammation and creating healthy brain cells, as well as antioxidants for reducing the risk of heart disease, cancer, and other diseases! The best part, it taste amazing and will keep you full for HOURS!!! We should be able to go 4-6 hours in between meals. 3 square meals a day with NO snacks is ideal to get our nutrition needs met and aid in blood sugar management. I will list the ingredients here and have included a quick video but didn't show the flax milk. I'll include links to the products I use as well but don't hesitate to send me any questions you have! - 1 cup unsweetened non-dairy milk (I like this flax milk from Whole Foods) - 1 scoop protein powder - 2 scoops collagen - 1 heaping scoop of fiber - 1 TB ground flaxseed - 1 tsp omega 3 fish oil - 1 scoop creatine - 1 large handful of fresh organic spinach (was out when I made the video below) - A small serving of fruit like frozen organic berries and/or a small amount of frozen banana...partially green bananas are actually best as they feed the good gut bacteria! And here's a link to the video showing the ingredients! Thanks for watching! #nutrition #health #lifestyle #diet


    Holy smokes! What a month! As of today, June 21, 2022, I will be getting married THIS Saturday to Tony Hart. :))))) We are waiting for our house to close in Henderson, NV where my mom lives, and the plan is to roll out of San Ramon, CA on August 5th. So much more to come but here's a quick video to share a few more details! While you're on my YouTube channel, don't forget to 'like' and subscribe to get more updates! Please don't hesitate to message me any time and share what you'd like help with! Until then, eat healthy, stay focused, and BE FIT!! XO! #PersonalTrainer #Nevada #FitnessMotivation #WomensFitness #Diet #Workout

  • Which 'diet' is best?

    I'm not going to beat around the bush here. There is no best diet for everyone. Which diet is best for YOU, well, that will take some experimenting. You need to take in to account your food preferences, your current hormones or health issues, your goals (lose fat, build muscle...improve health should always be part of the equation), and how many meals you like to eat. Essentially, your diet will include protein, carbohydrates, and fat. And your diet should offer a variety of colors from fruits & vegetables, hit minimum fiber requirements, and be balanced in fat (monounsaturated, polyunsaturated, and saturated...trans fat should be ZERO). Some people will do great with higher carbohydrates, meaning, you process them well, burn them as fuel and have good insulin sensitivity. Those who do not have good insulin sensitivity will be more prone to storing carbohydrates as fat! This is one reason that weight training is so great! Your sensitivity to insulin goes up and your bodies' metabolism increases! Some will better with slightly higher fat. I'm NOT talking keto here. Side note: my opinion on keto or any diet where you are significantly reducing a food group and eliminating nutrients from those sources, is, it should be done under a doctors supervision. I think your doctor should be looking at health markers and repeating those tests every 6 weeks to see if the diet is helping or hurting. I think it's scary how many people are eating super high fat and their genes are not designed for it. Moving on, slightly higher fat does not omit carbs completely but definitely limits the amount. Protein should stay constant for both of these diets at around 1 gram per pound of goal bodyweight. I don't think constantly tracking is necessary but tracking here or there to spot check and ensure you are getting ample amounts of protein & fiber, and to gain awareness of calories & macros is highly beneficial. Decide the timing of your meals, write out your ideal meal template and try it on for size. You can track for a day or 2, and make adjustments. The ideal is to find an eating template that matches your preferences, you can sustain it for a long period of time, allows you to feel good and is yielding the results you desire. You should not only be looking at the weight on the scale, but also quality of sleep, hunger/appetite, cravings, digestion, and energy. If you are hungry all the time and low energy, it's just a matter of time before you crack. Some hunger is necessary, if you are trying to lose body fat, so paying attention to hunger vs. cravings will be helpful. And if you've tracked in My Fitness Pal, are assessing results, you'll have an idea if you are eating the right amount, need to increase, or need to find strategies to reduce hunger. People make nutrition WAY harder than it has to be. Ultimately, you want healthy habits, not numbers that you are following and not tracking everyday. So start creating and focusing on healthy habits. Ditch fad diets and diets with man made food! Make YOUR diet fit you and make ENERGIZING YOUR BODY and FEELING GOOD the priority!!

  • Priority Take Care of YOU!

    If you are reading this close to the publish date then you are 'in shelter' as well. Stress is very high for a lot of people and worry has taken over. It's in times like these that continuing to take care of you must be priority #1. The mind is constantly receiving messages to environment that you put it in. Exercising and eating real, whole, nutrient dense food changes your physiology. So here are some tips to help you stay calm when the world around us creating panic. 1. Journal your goals & WINS Having a clear direction that is specific to what you need to do RIGHT NOW to get through this time is critical. The faster you adapt to the changing environment, the faster you feel a purpose to your day. If you have a job that has been impacted but the current situation, a shift is obviously necessary. Panic will want to take over so we must put our mind at ease with constant re-direction towards how we can serve and add value to help others. WINS is our way of counting our blessings. Normally I count WINS in my head during the day as they come up but write them down at night. However, right now, I need to remind myself of all of the good that is in my world, more often. Doing WINS at least a couple of times per day is helping to calm my nerves and shifts my energy from fear to appreciation. 2. Move...release those endorphins! Walking daily outside is absolutely essential..assuming the weather permits it where you live. Public gyms are out right now but there is so much we can do at home with our bodyweight and resistance bands. Exercise will instantly change your mood and lift your spirits...even if it's just for a little while (return to #1 when this happens!!). When our energy is up, our mood is up. Your creativity will amp up and solutions to problems that you couldn't think of before, may come to the surface. When you treat your body well, it creates momentum for you to want to feed it well. Which brings me to #3. 3. Feed your body real food I don't feel like 'myself' when I don't eat the foods that I know agree with my body. Processed foods that don't have nutrients just feed the bad bacteria in our gut, cause fatigue, brain fog, and inflammation. Of course we won't feel well and have a good attitude when our digestive system is under this kind of stress. You may be turning to food for comfort. If you have, don't beat yourself up!! Even the best of us give in to over-eating or treats. It's about how quickly you can return to treating yourself well without judgement. Once you start doing #1 & 2, this will happen less often. 4. Nurture your relationships Soooo I get that you may have a house full of family that are making you CRAZY right now. People are on edge, scared, and cabin fever may be setting in. However, if we center ourselves for a few moments, connect to the core of who we are and remind ourselves that this is a time to cherish our loved ones that are healthy and safe, we will get through this. 5. Take a moment to get silent Meditation can look like a lot of different things. It's not necessarily sitting down with eyes closed but that is my preference. As someone with an over-active mind, cutting off from the stimulation of the world helps tremendously to calm my nervous system, deepen my breathing and feel present. In the present moment I am safe. I can let that be enough. Acceptance of the situation and surrender to a higher power can allow us to take our 'hands off the steering wheel' that we never controlled anyway! The world will still go round'. The sun will still rise and fall. Please feel free to join my free private women's group on Facebook, Empowered Women with Michelle. I'd love to connect over there and support you with more mindset tools. At the end of the day, all we have is our ability to change the way we look at things and know that somehow, everything will all work out.

  • My story of binge eating and the power of mindset.

    I was just thinking about how I used to binge eat. Not to say that I haven’t over-eaten but over eating when you are alone is a whole other kind of eating. Surface thoughts were around boredom. I would call it entertainment. It’s funny how the mind will justify things so that we don’t recognize the abuse that’s really going on within. I knew it wasn’t good for me. I’d say funny comments to myself about the bag of tortilla chips leaving the house in my tummy vs the garbage can. I would “have” to finish off the entire bag of cookies and it felt like organizing or cleaning up. I spent many nights eating an entire bag of candy corn. I would sit on the couch, watching TV, pause from eating when my stomach had clearly had enough, and when my stomach allowed, I’d continue. My favorites, thick crust pizza and carrot cake. I remember living with a boyfriend that was twice my size and we’d have a weekly “cheat”. When he’d pass out from the food, I’d secretly continue eating. Hormones, gut health, habitual behavior, yes, those played a part. But knowing what I know now about the power I have to change the way I *think* is far more powerful. Slowly over time, the binging decreased. Binging is not something I say to myself anymore and the memory of doing it only came up as I was thinking back at who I used to be. I was abusing myself, mentally and physically. Damn. Even to put it in to those words now is like an awareness light bulb to the help that I needed for so many years. I was unaware of how little I loved myself. I was unaware of my feeling lost in the world without direction, purpose or connection. I was unaware of how I let boyfriends influence me to binge once a week and call it healthy. I was unaware of how the guilt and shame I would feel afterwards, only perpetuated the cycle of lack of self worth. I had created my own hell. Years of physical and mental abuse created symptoms and outcomes within my body. I developed hypothyroid, low cortisol, and gut dysbiosis. This showed up as not being able to sleep, lethargic which feels different than tired, achy body, unable to recover from even the slightest bit of weight training, IBS, gas, constipation, bloating...and sadly for a long time I thought it was “just the way I was”. I didn’t have the money to hire a natural doctor (my preference over conventional medicine) and even at that I didn’t have insurance a lot of the time being self employed. I chose to *blindly* suffer. I don’t know who that woman is anymore. I look back and my heart goes out to her. I AM IN CONTROL NOW. I see who the REAL ME is. Slowly but surely, my habits have shifted as I trained my mind...DAILY! The 4 pillars journaling system saved me. It’s still saving me. I continue to learn, grow, understand and move myself from a place of being the victim where I was completely unaware, to a place of empowerment, allowing for mistakes over perfection, which allows me to become an even better version of me. I love sharing this system. I love practicing this system. If you are reading this and seeing bits of yourself, my heart goes out to you. Thank you for taking the time to read and seek the tools to better yourself. WIN for YOU! Counting WINS is my favorite pillar of the 4 pillars. This is a powerful way of building your self love muscle! Try it for a week and let me know how you feel! YOU ARE WORTH IT! ❤️ #mindset #lifestyle #health #nutrition #diet

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